Workwise Employment Lawyers

Workplace Policies

Clear and Effective workplace policies provide benefits for both employers and employees.

Workplace policies serve as essential guidelines for managing the workplace and assist employers in complying with their legislative obligations with respect to workplace health and safety, bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment.

Common Mistakes by Employers

Utilising outdated policies that do not reflect the current workplace laws.
  • Utilising outdated policies that do not reflect the current workplace laws.
  • Not providing training to employees to ensure they understand the content of the policies and how they operate.
  • Failing to observe their own policies and procedures.

How We Help

Workwise can assist employers in implementing meticulously drafted workplace policies that are tailored to the needs of your business. These include but are not limited to the
  1. Code of Conduct,
  2. Discrimination and Harassment Policy
  3. Workplace Bullying Policy;
  4. IT Policy;
  5. Social Media Policy;
  6. Drug and Alcohol Policy;
  7. Leave Policy;
  8. Family and Domestic Violence Leave Policy;
  9. Redundancy Policy;
  10. Smoking Policy;
  11. Dispute Resolution; and Grievance Procedure;
  12. Whistleblower Policy;
  13. Workplace Health and Safety Policy,
  14. Vehicle Policy;
  15. Performance Management Policy.
Workwise can also assist your business with implementing employee policy manuals or handbooks that incorporate all policies required by your organisation. In addition to policy drafting, our lawyers can review existing workplace policies, codes of conduct, or employee handbooks to ensure legal compliance. We understand the importance of training employees on workplace policies and provide training sessions, emphasising their significance, especially when relying on specific policies for disciplinary or termination decisions.